99 Teiges Hill Road, Brookeborough BT94 4HR


Key Information

Address 99 Teiges Hill Road, Brookeborough
Style Detached Farmhouse
Status For sale
Price POA

Additional Information

Substantial circa 93 acre stock farm with a good range of farm buildings.  Complemented by 2 building sites with Outline Planning Permission.  Conveniently located approx. 3 miles from Brookeborough Village.

Can be sold in 1 or 3 lots.



Outline planning permission has been granted for a replacement dwelling nearby.


Farm Yard


4 bay silage pit


Silage pit 47’ x 30’ with adjacent 4 bay slatted house 47’ x 26’ (external measurement) on each side.

Shuttered concrete walls.  Gates and passageway.  Provides accommodation for approx. 80 head of cattle.


18 cow byre 78’ x 17’ 3” (internal measurement)

Traditional pipeline which could easily be converted to a change of use.


Range of Out Buildings




Circa 93 acres of excellent dry agricultural land including 2 building sites.  The land is well fenced, gated and watered


Viewing:  Strictly by appointment with the Selling Agent. Please ring us to make an appointment. We are open from 10.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.


Mortgage:  Please allow us to help you find a suitable mortgage supplier. We can arrange an appointment for you to discuss your requirements with an expert who will tailor a mortgage to suit your individual needs.


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